What is the service?

Arzoo Academy offers the following services:

1.) Undergraduate admissions counseling

  • Program — Concierge service that covers every aspect of the college admissions process

  • Structure — Weekly individual meetings organized to drive towards the ultimate goal of an excellent college placement - the sessions are designed to

    • Get to know you on a personal level

    • Help you understand your authentic self

    • Design a winning application strategy

    • Refine your application strategy and provide constructive feedback

    • Provide extensive proprietary research on colleges of interest

    • Answer questions, evaluate application materials and forms, college essay coaching, feedback to strengthen the application and much much more

  • Cost - We only work with a limited number of students and we unapologetically charge a fair cost for our services. The actual cost will depend on the package, but as a general guidance the cost is a very tiny percentage of what most families pay for four years of college - we like to draw attention to the value we add. College placement success and resulting career success is such a tremendous value that the decision to work with us ends up being a no brainer.

2.) SAT Prep Tutoring

  • Mode of instruction — Live sessions on Zoom with small group (b/w 5 to 10 students)

  • Cost — standard monthly rate commensurate with the market for elite tutors. Minimum commitment is one month. Call for more details

  • Course duration — 4 months with 13 hours of instruction and coaching per month

  • Weekly Zoom sessions — 2 sessions per week with each session lasting 90 minutes

 3.) College essay advisory

  • Comprehensive essay coaching package

  • 1-1 sessions focused on:

    • Brainstorming sessions

    • Topic and outline

    • Structure and flow

    • Essay drafts

    • Editing your essays

    • Bringing it all together

  • Cost — comprehensive package; Call for more details

How do you tutor for the SAT?

The course will focus on experiential learning — problem solving and tackling real SAT questions — the only way to improve SAT scores is by experience based learning. I teach all the concepts via real SAT problems that I curate to drill down into most commonly tested concepts on the SAT. In addition to SAT practice completed during sessions, Students will also be expected and accountable for doing practice tests (which I will provide) between sessions.

Tutors are dime a dozen, what makes you special?

I have not yet mastered the art of the humble brag so I can only put this one way — look at the outcomes of the students I have helped over the years. My credentials only tell part of the story - my background is what enables me to relate to my students in ways that inspire them to do well. I have more than a decade of experience of standardized tests and essay coaching and I have coached students of varying abilities. Over the years I have amassed unique test taking strategies some of which are universally applicable and some others that I tailor to individual needs. In every single instance, I have successfully enabled my students to connect with their intrinsic motivation and realize their full potential.